Through our Fostering Adoptive Children through Total Support (F.A.C.T.S.) program, Covenant Christian Children’s Homes of Texas is committed to ensuring that there are enough qualified individuals and professionals in the community to support foster children with special needs. Through an interdisciplinary team of devoted volunteers, the F.A.C.T.S. program provides specialized training and technical assistance to foster children and their parents and to individuals and professionals who want to learn more about foster children with serious physical, medical, cognitive, and emotional challenges. Training is individually designed to meet the specific needs of beginning and advanced level administrators, social workers, case managers, foster and adoptive parents, therapists, and other professionals.
Training and technical assistance can be provided in the following areas:
· Supporting foster and adopted children with disabilities
· Impact of attachment and loss on children
· Strategies for helping children with emotional and behavioral problems
· Permanency planning
· Creative program design in foster care: New solutions to recurring problems
· Adoption issues impacting families and children
· Program placement services
· Outcomes and research
. Technical support from experienced professionals
Training provided through our F.A.C.T.S. program is coordinated by volunteer foster care providers and clinical social workers experienced in the delivery of services to children in the foster care system who have a variety of disabilities and medical conditions. Experts, including nurses, physicians, psychologists, physical, occupational and speech therapists, social workers, and foster parents who are experienced presenters develop the training and technical assistance programs.
To make a training request or obtain additional information
Requests for training or technical assistance can be made directly to the coordinator of recruitment and training at (210) 598-9863.